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connecting to server and highscores...

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connecting to server and highscores... Empty connecting to server and highscores...

Post by pinepoints Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:41 am

i recognized its easier to connect to multiplayer switching back and forth the between custom server and non custom server..
maybe im wrong but it seems to work, i then check to see if im connected by selecting the high score list...
would it help to have the high score list displayed automatically, on the front page after loading the game...???
it seems to help with the connectivity and i was wondering if it was an easier way to deal with my issue..
besides its a little neat to have a high score and showcase it for the people who play and try to win to get the high score...


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connecting to server and highscores... Empty Re: connecting to server and highscores...

Post by Templar_VII Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:38 am

I'll think about it. It's possible I made a mistake in the program code for "connecting to the server'

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