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High Treason Not In Microsoft Store

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High Treason Not In Microsoft Store Empty High Treason Not In Microsoft Store

Post by Andulasian1 Thu May 02, 2019 5:58 am


I had played high treason about a year ago on an old PC of mine that I don't have anymore. its been a while and I've been looking to play it again as it was a game I enjoyed a lot. I looked for it online and I can't find a download link for it anywhere on the internet. if anyone here can help me out I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks in advance Very Happy


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High Treason Not In Microsoft Store Empty Re: High Treason Not In Microsoft Store

Post by Konrad Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:17 pm

i had the same experience as you. I really loved and enjoiyed the game for hours non stop, but he sadly has taken it down. However i was able to contact him via his email, and i asked him about it. He told me that he had taken it down because of too many bugs, and that he intended on putting it back on when it was fully developed. It has taken such a long time since he had many other things to do. As far as i know he still plans to release it, but he meant that it probably wouldnt be in 2020. I dont even know if anyone is gonna read this, but if you do, make sure to support him as much as you can!


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High Treason Not In Microsoft Store Empty Re: High Treason Not In Microsoft Store

Post by Templar_VII Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:40 pm

Finally I have a running version.
(it has still some bugs)

It will be back in Microsoft Store in February 2021.
Thanks a lot for your support and motivation.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2015-01-04


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