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Futute Updates?

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Futute Updates? Empty Futute Updates?

Post by HighTreasonROCKS! Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:55 pm

I have several questions:
1. Will this game ever become a 3D game? Since you plan on working with Unity, I also make level designs using Unity3D.
2. Will the game ever be published on Steam to gain more fans? I would love to get it on Steam and add mods Very Happy

Thank in advance


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Futute Updates? Empty Re: Futute Updates?

Post by Templar_VII Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:36 pm

1. No, it will never become 3D. Creating graphics is so bad ass, even in 2D. I't kills the entire precious time for improvin the gameplay. So I'll keep it in 2D.

2. I really like to. Maybe in summer i'll find the time to learn the Steam-API.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2015-01-04


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Futute Updates? Empty Re: Futute Updates?

Post by awesomestickman Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:41 pm

I like the game as 2D because it's really just simpler to play but also challenging since the upper levels are harder. Steam would also be a really great thing to add, since then Mac users can also play it.
Also, I've noticed that there hasn't been much updates since I started playing High Treason in January 2017, and update 2.2.8. was quite a while ago. Maybe you need some ideas from the players?


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Join date : 2017-01-16

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Futute Updates? Empty Re: Futute Updates?

Post by Templar_VII Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:37 am

The reason for missing updates is just the missing time. I still like continue developing the game and I have many ideas but there's just no time Sad

I intend to bring high treason to Steam, but it will not be playable automatically on mac. It has to be programmed for mac but it's not.

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Join date : 2015-01-04


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Futute Updates? Empty Re: Futute Updates?

Post by awesomestickman Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:22 am

Oh, okay. That's okay if you don't have any time.
Also, I'm just sayin', I don't own a Mac, but I just wanted to mention that Mac users might be able to play it if you bring it to Steam since right now you can only play it on a PC. Also, adding more platforms to play it on would be good, like tablets and phones.


Posts : 19
Join date : 2017-01-16

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