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king of the hill...

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king of the hill... Empty king of the hill...

Post by pinemountain Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:28 am

is it just my surface? i killed my king (high treason) i use a surface pro 1 windows ten and while playing
i depressed my digitizer (stylus) on the dirt and moved it up creating a small hill and killing my king....
this happened on accident but wanted to mention i did NOT select dirt from the menu.....
i just touched the pen to the screen while moving the king and misfired.....
Maybe something that can be reworked..


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king of the hill... Empty Re: king of the hill...

Post by Templar_VII Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:55 am

You can build anything by drag&drop an already built item. So you can do with ground. Building ground on units will kill them.

Maybe I could improve the handling, so you can't drop ground on units.

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Join date : 2015-01-04


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