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Why is the game so buggy

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Why is the game so buggy Empty Why is the game so buggy

Post by meme123321123222 Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:23 am

the multiplayer update broke the game in general, why? How? When did this all start, when did the multiplayer idea start!? Mad


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Why is the game so buggy Empty Re: Why is the game so buggy

Post by Templar_VII Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:35 am

I made some breaking changes. I tested a lot and I thought there's no change in single player.
Can you tell me more about the bugs you found?

A known problem of 2.0.0 is:
Save games of 1.x are not working anymore.
I'm sorry for that. I know this will make some angry.
Unable with reasonable effort.

There are also a lot of known bugs in multi player, but I think thats not what you're talking about.

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Why is the game so buggy Empty My struggles

Post by meme123321123222 Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:30 pm

I found the bug where if you take the X and put it back where it was it will not let you move anyone unless if you go to a box in the map where you have not captured and leave the X floating there you can't move it though, Next bug wait oh you got me my saves that I made exactly right before update day is gone! Whelp next bug, when you open and close the gates too fast it will replace some blocks and kill the person on it, it's a really terrible thing that should be fixed I have had alot more bugs but those are the main ones that make me mad, if you wanna hear ALL the bugs tell meh! There is one more thing I need to tell you, a bug where when you make a bridge across a moat it won't be normal cause the last part of the bridge does not connect to the other pieces!


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Why is the game so buggy Empty Re: Why is the game so buggy

Post by Templar_VII Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:26 pm

Thanks for the bug report.

1. I just fixed the X-Bug. It should be available tomorrow.

2. I'm sorry for the lost game saves.

3. I can't reproduce the gate-Bug. I've seen it in this video at 8:36. https://youtu.be/h1lGL1cwplY?t=512
I'll invest some more time to reproduce it. Could you give me some more help? What did you mean with "fast close"? You can't close gates fast or slow. Do you close the gate by drag&drop? Just click it to close. Drag&Drop will duplicate an existing block.

4. I was also not able to reproduce the darw-bridge bug. The elements are alway connected to the existing element. So build the bridge always from one side to the other, element by element. Maybe you started to build the bridge from both sides?

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Why is the game so buggy Empty Re: Why is the game so buggy

Post by meme123321123222 Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:07 pm

1. You don't drag and drop the gates you just click it like normal alot of times at once by dragging your mouse on it over and over does not take alot of time to happen though and it replaces the block ontop with the block on the gates so gates ontop and blocks on ground

2. I did not start making the bridge from both sides I started with one and then I built my bridge one direction and yet again I am sort of a bug hunter finds bugs in games tells to creator and that is what I do with high treason

3. thanks for fixing the X problem really a great thing to get rid of since that was bugging me, haha bug jokes!

4. I'll see the vid now Neutral see it and yeah


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Why is the game so buggy Empty Re: Why is the game so buggy

Post by meme123321123222 Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:11 pm

one more thing I forgot to mention there must be two gates ontop of eachother


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Age : 21
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